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A morning with Dr David Bennett

18 October at 09:30 12:30

We’re delighted that David Bennett will be joining us for a morning of thought-provoking teaching and discussion.

David is an author, speaker, and theologian scholar who speaks and writes on a wide range of topics including theology, desire, beauty, gender, theodicy, suffering, ethics, and sexuality. He is frequently asked to appear and speak internationally in a variety of settings including churches, academic conferences, national radio and TV. As a gay celibate Christian, he seeks to be a fresh voice on the topics of love, holiness, desire and sexuality in order to show how people can live and flourish through Christ’s cross-shaped teaching. He is passionate about equipping the Church to better love the LGBTQI+ and other minority communities, and the art of showing solidarity to those who are different or other to us.

His bestselling book A War of Loves (Zondervan, 2018) describes his own story of encountering the love of God and meeting the person of Jesus in a pub in the gay quarter of Sydney. He recounts the story of a life of atheistic gay activism to becoming a follower of Jesus, in which he advocates for a positive moral vision of biblical sexuality and discipleship.

The morning will be followed by a light lunch.

Holy Trinity Platt

Platt Lane
Manchester, M14 5NF
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